
Sunday, June 12, 2011


Well, almost 2 months later (gasp!!) I am on to the next blog post. Moving in with the b/f, taking the big step after over 5 years in a wonderful relationship, the busyness of finding a place we could both live in and love was a challenge, but we succeeded!

Finally, we are now near False Creek in Vancouver, and now that all my yarn is unpacked, vacation starts tomorrow, I am feeling some peace.

I even have a new knitting nook (better pics to come once I sort everything - but basically a small room to house a chair off the living room, that is 2 out of 3 walls glass! So bright and lovely.

Also, May was the beginning of the SweetGeorgia Sock Yarn club that I joined way back when I had too much money to spend on yarn. I'm so glad I did.  Look at this gorgeous hank of Starbar-esk yarn!

Actually called Picnic Pop, it's absolutely summery cool and lovely. Can't wait until June is ready! (Although I wouldn't know as hotmail shut down my account - maybe I will drop by the studio tomorrow!)

I joined my second UY KAL (knit-a-long) for the year (still not done the first project, but I will :)). It is Juneberry by Jared Flood, to fit in with the "Jared Flood KAL". After a great start, (3 charts in 1 day), I have done a LOT of fudging, and I just feel guilty now. So, with a week to go, I am going to rip it out. Yes, RIP IT OUT!!! The guilt is overwhelming, but I plan to finish it with 5 hours in the car to Tofino with someone else driving (YAY) this week, and 3 days of beach-house bliss.

Here we go, with my optimistic scheduling :)

Back to the laundry...

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