What I Love - May 29th, 2013
(photos from their websites)

1. Dahlhaus
Why I love it: With the soft and bright colours, geometric shapes, and curvy wares, this pottery is at the top of my list.
I currently own the poppy mug, which is on my glossy (sorry Kim, I like it that way!) desk at work:

2. Chris Stiles Wood Working:
I came across this beautiful wood working at the Spring Fling in Vancouver.
Why I love it: I can't stop thinking about this ice cream scoop! He is making more for the June 7th show in North Vancouver - some in cherry wood! What a perfect gift for Father's Day, or any day, really...
Also, check out his Etsy shop - he has FANTASTIC response time.

The thing with gifting I have discovered - plan ahead! You know that birthday is coming up, you know that Mother's Day comes once a year - why not get the card/gift when you think of it? Then you're good. Everyone's happy. You are, they are - it's a wonderful thing.
How much stress goes into last-minute gifting?
Also - if you find a "perfect" gift for so-and-so - get it then! Or plan on doing it sooner! Just get it!
I have learned this the hard way. Key points:
1) remember where you have put what you bought
2) remember you have already bought something
3) you do not need to buy more!
Bring on the rain!