
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Wonton Wednesday

So, it has taken me a little longer to post as, after a little stress-out session, I have finally found my camera.

It was a case of too many bags (it was in my backpack) - but actually, one can really never have too many bags - for instance, I just received my Miso Crafty project bag! (Miso Crafty has the best photo of course):

Blog - Shop Giveaway

So awesome! And these beautiful notecards - only my best knitter buddies will get these!

Thank you Melissa!
Oh, and fantastic news if you want to be fit, fitter, or fittest this fall on the cheap: FLIP Training is offering their Wonton (like a Groupon, but it has a video) this week only! - this gets you started, and the ball rolling. And you can have pipes like these!!:

FLIP trainers really do have no attitude, and provide a whole life adjustment - they act different than other trainers - they really do want the best for you! Emilia, my trainer, even came to my house to help me make my healthy shake I've been meaning to do for um, ever! I may know how to do the exercises, eat right, etc, but I pay for the motivation. And it's working!!! It really feels good to stop procrastinating and work on yourself. 

Now, to the knitting projects on the go - there are many all at once, as usual. A recent car purchase/repair will have me on a yarn diet this fall, except for maybe Christmas presents :) (I may have to go to acrylics!!! shock, gasp!!)

#1: Celeano in the gorgeous Springtree Road Yarns:

#2: Hippo - this will be a hippo - almost there:

#3: My Stephen West Mystery KAL - progressing along nicely, but antarsia is just not my thing

#4:  My Ysolda Teauge KAL Vine Yolk Cardigan - back on track!

I did finish my next Sprout toque though, and although Baby Evan is still a little small, I think it will suit him just fine:

I love short weeks!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I'm so glad that you (finally!) got your prize and that you like it! I always get so nervous when something I've made leaves my hands...I always fear that whatever I made will fall apart the second it lands in someone else's hands. :/

    Your Sprout is soooo cute...but not as cute as that baby!


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